Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Data Analysis and Representation

As with data validation, analysis of data in qualitative research and its subsequent representation is distinctly different from its quantitative counterpart. Of course, this differential concept needs to have been realized and taken into account earlier when determining the nature and method of data collection-and consequently the nature of the data itself. While much of the classification of data is already in place during the data collection process in quantitative research, qualitative research requires the post-collection process of coding and organization of the codes regarding significance, frequency, and comparison and contrast.
In terms of Grounded Theory approach, the coding is derived primarily from the written transcripts of interviews. This may been done by color coding, notes in margins, or word frequency (clouds). Once the data has been organized in a way that explains or helps tointerpret it, it may be helpful to create a visual aid to assist in understanding, explaining, or clarifying the theory, Graphs, flow charts, pie charts, and diagrams are the most common visual devices used for this purpose.

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